Live with Peace
Mass readings: Acts of the Apostles 3:11 – 26, Psalm 8:2b and 55, 6 – 7, 8 – 9; Luke 24:35 – 48,
In these weeks of the Easter Season, we have opportunities to reflect on and be aware of the joy that flows from Christ and His resurrection. I see this as a much-needed invitation in these troubled and anxious times.
Christ the “Anointed One” comes forth to show us the way as exemplified by His life. In the Acts of the Apostles, people were amazed at the Spirit’s outpouring to the Apostles. We were all anointed at our baptism and as such are intimately connected to the “Anointed One”. This invitation to such an intimate relationship is one that requires our full attention and commitment. As the Psalm says: “You have given him rule over the works of your hands”.
Christ carried His wounds beyond the grave. The joy of seeing Christ after the resurrection must have been awe inspiring. Yet, those who saw Him were troubled as we read in scripture.
We know Jesus the Christ of God by his actions. We know that we belong to Him when our actions are in sync with His actions. Jesus teaches us through sacred scripture and through the graces we experience in our own life’s journey.
The people in Jesus’s life believed in him by the works that he did. He lived in such a way as to embrace each moment’s need.
Many of the titles or names given to Jesus relate to his actions. Some examples are Savior, Healer, Miracle Worker, and Counselor to name a few. Jesus invites us to live the grace of being open to the needs around us. When we find opportunities to live for others, our own actions show the way in which Christ lives within us.
Sometimes my invitation to be more Christlike comes alive when I look at the places and circumstances that increase the peace in my heart.
What is God’s invitation to you?