Reflection for November
These readings are filled with the mystery of who God is. Consider – How big and mysterious is God to you in your faith walk?
The theme that runs as a tread through these readings speaks to me of hope. Sometimes in my humanness, hope seems beyond my reach. It is a virtue that is far reaching and part of our searching – beyond our understanding.
One question that stirred within me was – How much hope is in my praying and living? As I mused on this question my thoughts wandered. Hope often comes through the kindness and encouragement of others. Such things as a helping hand or kind words or putting voice to the good that they see in me. I can do this for others also.
The gospel focused on the God of the living. Being alive in God helps us to live in the now moment and notice where God speaks to us a message of hope. Even the colorful Fall leaves and the trees taking their winter rest can speak hope.
For me, hope is one of the gateways to a deeper relationship with such a mysterious God. My God is always bigger than my understanding and perception.
So, for me being alive in God means being in relationship with God. Listening to the voice of the Divine, speaking with the Divine through prayer and all types of communing. I think it was Saint Francis who said – “pray always and when necessary, use words”. We also become one with God by living the invitations and example writer in the Sacred Scriptures.
Praying always is a challenge to our human consciousness. But practice makes perfect, so we must have hope and keep trying.
(Readings: 2 Maccabees 7:1 – 2, 9 – 14; 2 Thessalonians 2:16 – 3:5; Luke 20:27 – 38)