The Space between

As I approach my 82nd birthday, I look ahead to another year. I find that it both invites and challenges me.
Reflecting on the opportunities and plans already set in place in my life, I am mindful of a quote from the book HINENI – In Imitation of Abraham by Alisa Kasmir.
“Martin Buber – {an Austrian Jewish and Israeli philosopher}, defines faith as trusting in something without being able to give sufficient reason for that trust – trusting in the mystery of what you do not know and probably never will. Such trust “cannot be possessed but brings us into the vulnerable border area of God and self”.”
Hineni, “here I am”, means much more than just showing up. The term indicates readiness, alertness, attentiveness, receptivity, and responsiveness to instruction. The “Hineni” I am referencing here is only one of the many ways the author attempts to describe the faith of Abraham.

As I grow into this new era of my life – 80’+ years, the Hineni in my life becomes a reality of the space between knowing and not knowing. The question stirring in me as I enter this new year, is “Can I hold this vulnerability lightly enough to journey where God is leading me?”  I know from my journey thus far, that my faith of yesterday must die to be open to and accept the gift of pure faith that is being breathed into me. I pray for a faith that is not shaded by my own perceptions. Can I be truly open to God’s wonder-filled, unknown mystery?  This is a question all seekers seem to ask whether consciously or subconsciously.
Contemplating this mystery is beautifully voiced in a song by John Denver titled “Wandering Soul”. His lyrics…. “The magic hour between the dark and the dawn” …. “In the space between the silence and the song” …. really resonate with me at this time.

I have lived and am living a life filled with adventure. In a sense, I am a wandering soul, always seeking. In this new year, I need to learn the attitude of silence. That place of quiet listening and trust. Each step is fragile and vulnerable. I ask myself; do I have the faith of Abraham?  How open am I to the Holy One who is total mystery? Will I see the invitations imbedded within the challenges before me? I hope and pray that I can say yes.

I leave you with that question for your own reflection – Will you see the invitations imbedded within the challenges before you? To go deeper into the unknown.


The Metta Prayer


The Myth