The Courage of Faith

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As I reflect on the readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B, I am awakened to a challenge within me.

In the first reading; Isaiah 50:5 -9a, there is an example of Isaiah courageously meeting the challenge of his faith in a time of suffering. I had to ask myself as well as ask God, how does my suffering accomplish Divine purpose?
Even though I understand God as prime mover, I sometimes feel distant and lose sight of my journey. Suffering or grief often blind me to God’s ever-present hand. When my wife Carolyn went home to be with the Lord in 2012, I felt a deep grief of the loss of the love of my life. As I was leaving the hospital that morning I felt like a wandering, lost soul. Deep inside of me surfaced the desire to be with our church community. It was hard to step out of the well of my grief, but I conjured up the strength to reach out. When I arrived at church, I was surrounded by the love of God who dwells in community. That moment of courage brought out courage and unconditional love in others and in my family. It opened the door for me to see that God was in the journey with me, even when I struggle.


In the second reading: James 2:14 – 18, there is the challenge of letting our works (actions), be a demonstration of our Faith.
Present within our works – particularly the Corporal and Spiritual Works of mercy – are often tests of our faith as well as learning opportunities to build or transform our faith.
I know from my 80+ years of journeying with the Divine presence, that my faith of yesterday often must die to receive the gift of faith that God is offering to me anew. My faith of yesterday has often been polluted by my presumptions of ways of living. I knew that staying open to God’s invitation to grow is essential.
I have a growing sensitivity for the poor and the outcasts that I encounter. But answering the call to give is never without difficulties. I am particularly challenged when I am asked to give more than I can of my time, talent and treasure. This is particularly true when the one I am helping seams ungrateful and demanding. God has sensitized me when I am receiving Eucharist, to know that the gift given to me, must be given to others. Unconditional love is like that.


In the Gospel reading: Mark 8:27 – 35, there is the invitation to “die to self” as we face times when our Faith is tested.

My dying to self should open me to a deeper relationship with the Divine. As I see it, my heart should be stirred to have the faith that opens me to a more purified love. I have learned through my life experiences, that surrendering to the Divine stirrings in my heart is sometimes painful.

This happens when I am resistant or over cautious or judgmental. When I can open myself to see the face of God in others, I become renewed in Faith, Hope and Love.

Lord, give me the strength and courage to persevere.


Reflect for a moment on how courageous Faith has been fruitful in your life.


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