Works of Mercy

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This time of social distancing – due to the Coronavirus pandemic – has both challenges and opportunities. For me it falls on an attentive heart, as my Lenten practice this year is to take more quiet reflective time in prayer. In those times I have taken extra quiet time; I have heard that Small Still Voice saying - observe the needs around you. Being a spiritual person; the “Works of Mercy” came to my mind and heart. It’s not difficult to move beyond my own worries.

Some of the Spiritual Works of Mercy Corporal Works of Mercy  

1. To feed the hungry. – Taking a more active role in cooking with my Daughter. Making weekly instead of just monthly donations to organizations that “feed the poor” in our lifeworld.
2. To instruct the ignorant. – Take extra time teaching my Grandchildren their CCD lesson as well as bringing knowledge of God into our conversations.
3. To clothe the naked. – My Daughter and I have taken on a project of making/sewing face masks for nurses and others in need.
4. To comfort the sorrowful. I am an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist in my parish and often tale Communion to the homebound. Since I cannot travel at this time, I have been making calls to many, letting them know that I still care.
5. To bear wrongs patiently. Being in close contact with family 24/7 it is easy to get on each other’s nerves. I find ways to give the others the space they need.
5. To shelter the homeless. – I have taken on the challenge of supporting a homeless person. Finding them an apartment and paying their rent till they get back on their feet.
6. To visit the sick. – I have made it a daily practice to write letter to the U.S. Troops, Veterans and those who are ill in any way.
7. To pray for the living and the dead. – Many friends have passes away in the recent years. Some from the Coronavirus and others by natural causes. Through letter or emails, I let their families know that I am thinking of them and praying for them.

All of this has brought me increased connection with our compassionate God. Sometimes it takes acts of surrender at deeper levels in my heart and soul. I often come away more aware of being beloved of God.


I know that I am beloved


The Metta Prayer